Kava has a long history in traditional ceremonies and alternative medicine. It is commonly used as a stress reliever & to help reduce anxiety. It may also improve sleep and help boost your mood. It’s consumed for its calming, euphoric effects and is considered a nervous system depressant.
Available in 50g, 100g, 200g, 500g & 1kg bags.
Traditional Method
1. Place 2-3 tablespoons in a muslin cloth
2. Soak cloth in 1-2 litres of clean water whilst kneading
3. Once desired concentration is achieved, remove kava from cloth and discard.
4. Stir well before drinking. Stir every 5 to 10 minutes to stop sediment forming.
Modern Method
1. Place the desired amount of kava into a blender.
2. Add cold water at 1:10-15 ratio (1 gram of kava powder to 10-15ml of water depending on your preference).
3. Blend on high for 3-4 minutes. (You may add a teaspoon of coconut oil which might help to extract fat soluble kavalactones).
4. Once you finish blending it, pour the mixture into a strainer bag and strain/squeeze the kava into a clean bowl.
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