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Service-Plants Ayurveda Tea Range



Sweet-Balance – A synergistic combination of traditional Ayurveda herbs to balance sweetness in the body, mind and emotions, and promote healthy nutrition. (Gotu Kola, Elderflower, Tulsi, Brahmi, Rose Petal, Chickweed & Gymnema)

Triphala-Digest – An ancient Ayurveda combination of 3 fruits (Amalaki, Bhibhitaki and Haritaki) to cleanse and detox. Infused with Turmeric, Ginger, Moringa and Fennel to ease inflammation and normalise digestion.

Evening-Rest – A deeply restful combination of five healing plants to soothe, settle and relax the nerves. (Marshmallow Root, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng & Shatavari Root).

Revive-Refresh – An uplifting blend of Tulsi infused with the nutritive and calming properties of Brahmi and Liquorice to revitalise and refresh. Supports concentration and meditation.

Arise-Awake – An awakening blend to help promote strength, rejuvenation & mental clarity. The perfect morning super chai without the caffeine. (Cinnamon Bark, Ashwagandha, Tumeric, Liquorice Root, Brahmi, Hawthorn Berry & Ginger).

Warm-Calm – A subtle blend of healing herbs to steady the nerves, reduce tension, hydrate and fill the body with warmth and comfort. (Haritaki, Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Marshmallow Root & Tumeric.

Calm-Sky – A subtle blend of tulsi and rose, infused with elderflowers to calm nervous tension and provide clarity and focus. A soft, grounding tea that paves the way for deep meditation and contemplation.

Master Chai – A refreshing formulation of natural Indian herbs and spices. Uplifting, energising and soothing. (Rapadura, Ginger, Cardamom, Cinnamon & Clove

Chest-Breathe – A healing combination of Ayurveda herbs to clear congestion, enhance circulation, strengthen immunity and promote easy breathing. (Ginger, Elecampane Root, Astragalus Root & Liquorice).

Cold-Ease – A traditional combination of healing herbs to warm the body, relieve the effects of colds and congestion, and soothe and calm mucous membranes. (Coriander, Ginger & Amalaki).

Peace-Dream – A deeply peaceful infusion of medicinal herbs to release nervous tension allowing the body and mind to settle, ground and welcome sleep. (Passionflower, Marshmallow Root, Oats, Hops & Lavender)

Additional information


Sweet-Balance, Triphala-Digest, Evening-Rest, Revive-Refresh, Arise-Awake, Warm-Calm, Calm-Sky, Master-Chai, Chest-Breathe, Cold-Ease, Peace Dream


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